Bby Shower
Welcome to our online bby shower, celebrating the rebirth of mother Digital.
Okay let me show u around. Here is the internet vagina. A space that actually existed in a parallel dimension from the real world.
This gave birth to a new technological apparatus, expanding the interuterus on the elite, minimum wage coders and millennial interns. Who can save us from the rock hard, small, white penises of the silicone capitalist? The techno yogis? How can we begin to cybersoul, with empathy and altruism? Hopefully with equality and a queer cyborg mother caring, not for the few but for the many.
P.s If u haven’t got me a gift I accept bitcoins.
Bby Shower is created by Tanny Cruz, Nyne Derricot, Haruka Fukao, Hana Omori, Isabel Ramos, Alberta Shearing and George Stone. Sound by Nati Cerutti, 001okk, Oh Mr James and The Floating Cellist.
Curated by Keiken